Category: Hanga | Create

Designing Dream Schools

In LS1, we took on a project where we designed floor plans for our dream schools. We started by copying the Scale Measurement slides to guide us. Then, we carefully measured and drew our plans to make sure everything was correct. This task helped us practice our math skills and think creatively about school design.  Here is our work.  Which design is your favourite?

Howick Historical Village

This blog post was written by Valencia. Click here to read her blog.

The Howick Historical Village

On Thursday, May 16, LS1 and LS2 went to the Howick Historical Village to learn about what people did in the 1850s. Everyone was excited to go because they were so interested in learning about the 1850s.

We had to get to school before 8:30, or we would miss the bus. At 8:15, we had to go up to LS2 to discuss what would happen if it rained and to talk about which group we were in. There were three groups: Group 1, Group 2, and Group 3. After the talk, it was time to go, so everyone walked out in a single line to the bus.

Once we arrived, we had to wait for 5 minutes for the workers or tour guides to open the gate for us. When the gate opened, we stepped off the bus and walked in. I saw houses from the 1850s that were shipped from Panmure, Otahuhu, and Onehunga.

After we walked in, we had to sit down and wait for the tour guides to come and greet us and talk about the history of the Howick Historical Village and the rules. The first rule was no running, and the second rule was DO NOT touch or break anything you are not allowed to touch. Everything looked old and antique.

After the talk, we did our first activity, which was making butter. Once we got into the house, we learned that butter was just made out of cream by mixing and shaking a jar full of cream to create friction. We all had a turn mixing with a churn from the 1850s, and we had to say a rhyme that goes, “Turn, butter, turn; someone’s waiting at the gate, waiting for some butter cake. Turn, butter, turn.” We repeated the rhyme until everyone had a turn.

After that activity, we moved on to our next activity, which was touring the place. When we entered the first house, which was a courtroom, I saw handcuffs the size of a child’s hands and an execution device used to punish prisoners. Then we visited a house filled with many antique items.

Our last activity was building a go-kart. In the 1850s, only boys could build go-karts, but everyone got to build one. A fact I learned during this activity was that in the 1850s, when you were 12 and over, you were considered an adult. One thing I liked about assembling the go-kart was learning new things about how they built them in the 1850s. Another fact I learned was that when you were five years old in the 1850s, you had to do chores, and once you finished them, only the boys could build and ride the go-karts.

Paranormal Day

Today is International Paranormal Day which has to do with paranormal refers to things like telekinesis or clairvoyance that science can’t fully explain.  For an early finisher task we could write a short horror story that includes or refers to some type of paranormal activity.  Here is Darius‘ work :

‘Gravity’ according to LS1

LI : Understand that objects are pulled towards the Earth due to gravity.
LI : Understand that gravity affects the motion of objects.

This term our Inquiry topic is “Make It Work.” This has to do with different forces and making things like machines work. Our focus is on mechanical toys. We have started Inquiry this term by learning about forces. The first force we have learnt about is Gravity. In our table groups, we had to work together to research and answer the questions on this presentation.

Tamaki Cricket Tournament

This blog post was written by Malosi. Click here to visit his blog.  Blake, Vaingalo, Malosi, Eneasi, Easton, Roman and Rekard were selected to represent PBS for the Year 5 & 6 team.

Last week on Wednesday we had inter school cricket, we went there by bus and we were in PE uniforms.
We setted up a camp at a shady spot under a tree, our first game was in twenty minutes and we were to see Sylvia Park school first. We began some stretches and practices to get us warmed up, we were versing Pt. England, Tamaki primary and Ruapotaka. We versed Sylvia Park and won, we said good game and went back to camp.

We had our lunch we packed and then it was another game. We played Tamaki primary. We both had good games, we had lost but that motivated us. We then went back but we just rested otherwise we would get stitches, our team then went to verse PES we had a good game and we lost by one point. We said good game and went back to camp and we ate and got back our energy.

We headed to Ruapotaka and we wanted to win this game, our match was intense and we won. Our team celebrated and we had a good game. Our coach had speeches and we all said something we were grateful for on this day before we packed up.

We headed back to school and followed on our normal day. In the end we lost two and won two.

Boats that Float! Buoyancy Challenge

Below the video is more information and context for our buoyancy challenge. Miss Tele’a challenged us to design and create a boat that could achieve the following two functions:
1. Float
2. Keep a tea-bag dry.

The only equipment we could use was :
– 20 popsicle sticks
– 4 rubberbands
– paper straws
– craft glue

Watch our video to see if we achieved the 2 specific functions!

As part of our inquiry topic “Our Whenua” – LS1 has completed lots of research and discussion on Mokoikahikuwaru, a taniwha known as the guardian of Panmure. One of the key features of Mokoikahikuwaru, was that it would appear as if it were a large log floating in the water. From this, we’ve branched off into science to learn more about buoyancy – which has to do with floating. This is part two of our create task.

Paper Boat Challenge

As part of our inquiry topic “Our Whenua” for this term – we did lots of research and discussion on a local legend – Mokoikahikuwaru, a taniwha that was known as the guardian of Panmure.  One of the key features of Mokoikahikuwaru, was that it would appear as if it were a large log floating in the water.  From this, we branched off into science and did some learning about buoyancy – which has to do with floating.  One of our create tasks was to create a paper boat.  We then used this paper boat in a fun class challenge – seeing who could blow it across the ‘river’ to the other side first.  After this, we constructed boats out of different material.  We will blog about that very soon, but for now – enjoy our video!



Athletics Day 2023

Week 9 of Term 4 saw Panmure Bridge School’s Athletics day run by Kelly Sports.  LS1 had a lot of fun participating in the different events.  We did a great job at rolling with the changes in the weather and schedule.  Our favourite part of the day was when the whole school got together to watch the school sprint heats and finals.  The song used in our video is “Fast” by Sione Toki – “fast” like quite a few of our LS1 members. Enjoy!

Here is second version of our Athletics clip. It is longer and includes the other classes at PBS. The song used in this second video is “Ta’u Koula” by Three Houses Down, General Fiyah and JP.

PBS Market Day

Week 8 Wednesday of Term 4 saw Panmure Bridge School’s 2023 Market Day! This term for Inquiry, we have all been learning about the topic ‘Enterprise.’ This has to do with the economy, managing money, and especially running a business. Each class at PBS had the task of designing different products we think other students would like to purchase.

LS1 designed and produced bookmarks and pencil holders. We had lots of fun throughout the design process and especially on the actual market day where students could purchase our products for only 1 token! Everyone had 5 tokens to spend, so lots of the products sold out quite fast.

Here is what some of our pencil holder designs look like.

One of our favourite stalls was LS2’s Ika Aniwaniwa – where they sold harakeke keyrings, and customisable bracelets! Here is Kane and Darius modeling their purchases. Thank you to everyone who purchased one of our products!


The Jandal Throw – Manaiakalani Film Festival

Perseverance! What does that word mean?  Miss Tele’a’s Cybersmart group decided to make a film about ‘perseverance’ – a word lots of us had not know the meaning of previously.  We had lots of fun planning, acting in and filming our movie.  It definitely took a lot of perseverance.  No student or staff was harmed in the making of this film – they are just very skilled actors (fa’afetai lava Miss Gerry!).  We hope you enjoy our film ‘The Jandal Throw’ and are reminded to never give up.

Teacher :

Contestants :

Teacher hit in face :

  • Miss Gerry

Announcers :

Crowd :

Mr Shaking Hands :