The Little Things Matter

The movie we created as a class is based around what got us through Covid Lockdowns. Covid was hard for us all and we needed to find things that helped us get over the boredom and hardships of it all. For some this was activities with their family or by themselves, for others it was devices or objects. All these things/activities made a difference to us during lockdown. They all mattered.

This movie shows the things and activities that helped LS1 get through Covid Lockdown. The Little Things Matter.

7 thoughts on “The Little Things Matter

  1. Hello Panmure Im Malynda From pes And I liked how you use the things that helped us in lock down and when we went to school. When we are at school could I is these things to help me learn? Good examples for the little thing matter. This reminds me of when we had to keep safe during class time.

  2. hello and i did not saw this but i think you guys did ? maybe . so i look on your guys blog and i think it was cool and amazing . i hope you put more on your blog ? . amazing job bye .

  3. Hi Panmure Bridge.
    My name is Hailey from PES, I really enjoyed your guys movie! I loved how you guys were grateful for the little things that helped you get through it rather than the big things. How long did this movie take to make? keep up the great work guys. : )

    From Hailey.

  4. Hi LS1 i love how you guys did a little things matter because i love how some of the people draw and talking about covid 19 because you actually need to where a mask.

    How Mr Wong and LS1 do more next year.

    Kia Ki t e Ano

    : From Amorangi

  5. Hello this movie was very true when we had to wear masks anywhere we went which was terrible but at least we got through it.Our phones were one of our favorite things to keep us busy

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