Month: August 2023

Volcano Research Projects

Kia ora! Welcome to LS1’s exploration of volcanoes! 🌋🔥 Check out our students’ Digital Learning Objects (DLOs) – animations, videos, posters, and more – presenting their research on volcanoes in creative ways.  If you click on a student’s name, it will take you to their own Edublog.

Presentation by Kane, Daniel and Semi

Animation by Tuteao and Kato.

Presentation by Valencia and Amarley.

Animation by Cattaleya and Amanda-Rose.

Infographic by Angie, Hasna and Amanda-Rose.

Te Reo Māori Kūki ‘Āirani – Cook Island Language Week

Kia orana koutou!  LS1 have put together a few phrases from the Cook Island language we think would be useful to know – whether it be that you are A) Wanting to start learning the language, or B) Eager to build your vocabulary in different languages.

Meitaki ma’ata to our in-class Kūki ‘Āirani experts Brooke and Nio for your help in teaching the rest of us how to pronounce these phrases.


Matariki in LS1

In the Term 2 holidays, we celebrated the Matariki holiday.  At the end of Term 2, LS1 students selected a different star to focus on and create a DLO to explain to someone the significance of that specific star.  Here is the Google Slides our students looked through before selecting a task to complete :

Here are some links to our work :

Marcel – Matariki

Loa – Ururangi

Fern – Waiti

Darius – Pohutakawa

Blake – Tupuanuku

Kato – Waita

Amarley – Tupuanuku
